Friday, October 10, 2008

Happy Halloween, everybody! Since we're all in different parts of the world, Janell and I thought it would be fun to get together for an impromptu pumpkin carving competition! You'll all be getting invitations in your email to sign in and post pics and stories of your pumpkin carving creations!

No rules, no structure, just a Halloween pumpkin free-for all to keep everyone close!

Unfortunately, if you already have a Goolge login but do not have a Blogger account, there's a small technical hurdle to get over before you can jump in. The whole "Google knows me, but Blogger doesn't" situation confuses Blogger, so you'll have to un-confuse it. Here's how:

  1. Go to
  2. If you already have a Google account, follow the link at the top of the page to sign in to that account before proceeding.
  3. Create an account on Blogger. You don't need to create a blog. Just the account is all you need. So you can bail out of their little form once you get past "Step 1: Create Account".
  4. Go back to the email invitation you received from Blogger, and click on the link. You should be able to sign up.
I can't wait to see everyone's pumpkins! We'll have a poll at some point and we can all vote for the best pumpkin, and we'll try to do prizes or something. But for now, let's just let fly with the Halloween goodness!



Meagan Eller said...

Thanks for thinking of this. We'll definitely have to share pictures of our pumpkins when we carve them, and of the kids dressed in their costumes.

Chris Raser said...

Hooray! Janell and I are still picking out costumes. We'll have to post a pic here with us all dressed up!